‘Min één’

Graduation project at LUCA School of Arts, Bachelor Visual Arts.

An elevator as a trigger where delusions emerge. Or delusions that reflect reality? A short film about being stuck in a feeling, metaphorically depicted as being stuck in an elevator.

'Min Eén' is about a forty-year-old man who is being stalked by an unknown person. Throughout the story the intensity of the sabotage increases, the main character is getting more and more into a depression. The person unconsciously neglects his family because the search for clues in his thoughts takes over his life. When he finds out that it's his neighbor who is doing harm to him and his family, he can not control himself.

The elevator in this story is universal, every person can get stuck in a certain feeling without finding a way out. What that feeling is or which cause it has, is different for everyone. We tried to let the viewer feel the frustration and powerlessness that the main character experiences.

  • Ward Lanszweert

    Gillian Gurny

  • Gertjan Aertgeerts

  • Bram Nica

    Matijs guypen

Behind the scenes

My companion and I, we went crazy on this project, especially if you keep in mind that it was a school project. It was a hell of a ride, but well worth it. Brainstorming, writing the script, searching for actors, building an elevator, location-hunting, testing out green screens, setting up our fundraising, testing out lighting, managing our production days, editing dozens of hours, applying the feedback we got, color-grading and exporting, were almost the only things we did for weeks. But in the end all hard work was rewarded with a unique experience, good grades and the school's Jury Prize.


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