‘Cold Jet’

From visual design to 3D design

This is where my career took a start After obtaining my degree in Visual Design, I joined Cold Jet, an American company that converts the by-product CO2 into dry ice. They have developed various devices for this purpose. Dry ice can be used in cold transport in the medical field or as a cleaning agent.

Initially, my tasks included developing videos, trade show booths, and social media content for online and print media. However, after a few years, I specialized in 3D design. I completed a postgraduate course in 3D and, during the COVID lockdown, designed a virtual demo room where salespeople could guide potential customers and familiarize them with our devices.

  • Cold Jet

  • Ward Lanszweert

    Paul Ikeler


Universal Access

Among many other fond memories, the global nature of this job will stay with me for a long time. I had the opportunity to make friends and colleagues around the world for six years. Through the transport of COVID vaccines using dry ice, we were at the forefront of the humanitarian response to COVID-19. It was a fantastic first work experience where I could further develop my skillset in an enjoyable context.


Team Taaladvies


Vlaamse Stichting Verkeerskunde