‘Fabian, TV show trailer’

Portfolio project for LUCA School of Arts, Bachelor Visual Arts.

This project gave me a lot of creative freedom: read a book you are interested in and create a title sequence for it. At that time, I was obsessed with the book "Fabian: The Story of a Moralist." So, I decided to turn it into a TV show and create a title sequence for it. I wanted to create something very analog and liked the idea of charcoal drawings. However, time wasn't on my side, so real drawings weren't an option. Instead, I created a stop-motion animation with digital drawings I made in Photoshop.

Approximately 2,000 frames later, I was able to present this work to my jury. It was an enormous learning curve, and I was very glad to experience it.

  • Ward Lanszweert

  • Luca school of Arts


Throw with care


Flemish Government